We’re an RP focused narrative hub that aims to provide a lore compliant RP environment for a variety of Ishgardian focused or Ishgard adjacent narratives both in discord and in game.

Upcoming Events

October 4th 2024

This social is also a joust, rules for jousting will be explained on site and are posted in the discord

For more details regarding the events, registration for them, or our upcoming efforts, join the discord!

Jousting Rules

Contestants must ride a chocobo and ONLY a chocobo. Other mounts, such as coeurls, fenrirs, and magitek reapers are not allowed.Chocobos must be barded for their own safety. Riders must be armored for their own safety.Opponents will be paired off and will run at each other from opposite ends of the the field. When they meet in the middle, they will pause to /dice before continuing to the other side.A roll between 1-300 is a miss
A roll between 301-700 is a lance break
A roll between 701-900 is a staggering lance break.*
A roll of 901+ is a de-horse and instant victory.

*If one jouster rolls this, it will stagger their opponent and render their attack null if it would have otherwise hit.*In the event that both jousters score the same category of rolls (ex: both roll a stagger), the one with the higher roll will be considered the one who hit first, and will get the point for that round.

The rider who gets 3 lance breaks FIRST, or a de-horse, wins and advances to the next round.You may wound your opponent but not their chocobo. Wounding a chocobo will result in instant disqualification as will killing an opponent or their chocobo.Your character must speak with a sanctioned chirurgeon* to be healed in full before moving on to the next round of battle. Wounded contestants will not compete under any circumstances.

These rules were made by Eliane Dufresne, Eao Silmontaix, and Armis Silmontaix but Project Ishgard has been given permission to use them.

*Sanctioned Chirurgeons are provided by The Crescent Hymn Hospital If you wish to heal for the event you will need to contact them to proceed.